


Our training classes are goal-oriented and designed to help Members feel motivated and enthusiastic about their physical fitness. Check below for available classes.

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| Classes are offered to Members and Non-Members
Join our group training programs in Winnipeg and watch your physical transformation unfold. We provide highly customized workout sessions in small groups to keep you motivated and focused.  Through collective determination and strength, we can help you unleash your individual strength.

Sandbag Training

Saturday 9:30am - 10:30am (60 Minute Class)
  • Our Sandbag Training sessions are full body training sessions focused on developing functional strength by safely and effectively moving sandbag through multiple planes of motion.

  • Training with a sandbag is effective because: the weight is not evenly distributed; the bag is large and challenging to secure as you move it and move with it; and weight shifts while you move it. All of these factors increase the demands for stability during the exercises.

  • The movements and exercises in our sessions mimic real-world activities, such as lifting and carrying heavy objects, bulky objects. By training with a sandbag, you are strengthening the muscles and movements that you use in your daily life.

  • 100% of all donations collected are donated to Siloam Mission in Winnipeg.

Sunday Sessions: Steel Mace Training

Sunday 12:00pm - 1:00pm (Kettlebells)

*Location: CN Stage, The Forks*

  • Sunday Sessions are the perfect opportunity for you to immerse
    yourself in the great outdoors and the perfect environment for Steel Mace Training.


  • Our Sunday Sessions are a combination of Steel Mace Strength (Traditional) training as well as Steel Mace Flow. Although these are casual training sessions, our focus is making you familiar with the fundamental movements of Steel Mace Training and introduce you to everything that Steel Mace Flow has to offer.


  • Flow-based training involves a combination of footwork and kettlebell/steel mace movement through multiple planes of motion.


  • This involves body awareness, stability, coordination, and strength.


  • We provide the Steel Maces: all you need to do show up ready and willing to explore to your strength in new ways.


  • 100% of all donations collected are donated to Siloam Mission in Winnipeg.

Kettlebell Fundamentals 1

Tuesday and Thursday 6:00pm - 7:00pm
  • These training sessions provide instruction and training for the fundamentals of kettlebell training. Successfully completing these classes will serve as bridge to future kettlebell training in our Fundamentals 2 and Kettlebell Strength classes.


  • The classes in our Kettlebell Fundamentals are skill based training sessions are focused on developing the fundamental movements of your kettlebell practice.


  • Learn the skill and consistently execute it.


  • Your training sessions will be tracked and recorded so your progress can be evaluated on a session-by-session basis.


  • This will assist in planning your programming for the following Kettlebell Strength Training Session you sign-up for.

Kettlebell Fundamentals 2

Tuesday and Thursday 6:00pm - 7:00pm
  • With focused coaching on the Fundamentals, Fundamentals 2 adds more intensity and training volume. You can expect to see kettlebell complexes, kettlebell chains as well as focused skills sessions.


  • We also introduce the kettlebell snatch to our skill set.


  • Our training sessions are skill-based training sessions focused on developing strength and endurance with executing the fundamental movements of your kettlebell practice.


  • Learn the skill and consistently execute it.


  • Your training sessions will be tracked and recorded so your progress can be evaluated on a session-by-session basis.


  • This will assist in planning your programming for Kettlebell Strength.

Kettlebell Strength (AM)

Monday and Thursday 6:00am - 7:00am
  • Kettlebell Strength (AM) is our 2x session per week class.


  • Our training sessions focus on developing; muscular strength; muscular endurance; and, cardiovascular endurance in your kettlebell practice.


  • The fundamental movements of kettlebell training are the foundation of this training with weight load and intensity varying sessions to session.


  • Although this a group training session, programming is done on an individual basis to ensure the it is specific and appropriate for everyone’s ability.


  • Previous kettlebell experience is required.


  • These skill based training session will included multipart kettlebell complexes to develop coordination, strength, and endurance in your kettlebell practice.


Kettlebell Strength (PM)

Monday, Wednesday, and Friday 6:00 - 7:00pm
  • Kettlebell Strength focuses on developing; muscular strength; muscular endurance; and, cardiovascular endurance in your kettlebell practice. The fundamental movements of kettlebell are the foundation of this training with weight load and intensity varying sessions to session


  • Although this a group training session, programming is done on an individual basis to ensure the it is specific and appropriate for everyone’s ability.


  • Previous kettlebell experience is required. For those with no experience, please book into our Kettlebell Fundamentals.


  • These skill based training session will included multipart kettlebell complexes to develop coordination, strength, and endurance in your kettlebell practice.


| Classes are offered to Members and Non-Members
Join our group training programs in Winnipeg and watch your physical transformation unfold. We provide highly customized workout sessions in small groups to keep you motivated and focused.  Through collective determination and strength, we can help you unleash your individual strength.
Explore our Memberships

Choose your ideal membership program and select the training schedule that suits your needs.

Explore our Memberships

Choose your ideal membership program and select the training schedule that suits your needs.

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5:00 am - 9:00 pm

5:00 am - 9:00 pm

5:00 am - 9:00 pm

5:00 am - 9:00 pm

5:00 am - 9:00 pm

5:00 am - 5:00 pm

9:00 am - 5:00 pm

Upcoming Workshops

Sandbag Training
Monday, 6:30 pm - 7:00 pm

Free Parking is available in the parking lot.

255 Tache Avenue, 2nd Floor
+1 (204) 415 - 8308
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