Service First: Continuing Education
Member Workshops allow us to better serve you by providing opportunities for hands-on learning. Workshops provide opportunities for continuing education in strength training; exercise techniques; best practices; and general fitness. The workshop experience will allow Members to make informed decisions about their training and ensure they have opportunities to ask questions regarding safe and effective training methods.
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White Lion Strong - Gym workshops are run through the year. These hands-on sessions are focused on providing you with skills and evaluating how you use them.
Workshops are exclusively offered to those with an active membership

Steel Mace Yoga Flow

past workshop
  • Comprehensive Instruction on the Steel Mace Flow Level 1 system from Head Educator Zack “Frankenlegs” Yanyk

  • Learn the skills and fundamentals required to develop a personal Steel Mace Flow practice as well as how to Coach the various moves and flows

  • In depth instruction on the 360 swing, the 10&2, multiple movements, and the Master Class Flow Series

  • Become a certified Steel Mace Flow Coach!


past workshop
  • The OVER/UNDER (The Bar) Workshop Series are practical, hands-on workshops. These workshops are focused on answering your questions; improving your exercise execution and understanding Barbell movements.

  • Past workshops topics for 2023 include Barbell Squat, Barbell Deadlift, Barbell Bench Press.
    Over/Under will continue in April 2023

learn to row

Learn to Row

past workshop
  • Vic Bartel, (Winnipeg Rowing Club) will lead us in an exciting, and thorough, hands-on workshop on how to use the Concept 2 Rower (more machines are being brought in for this workshop).


  • Vic Bartel is active member at White Lion Strong -Gym and strength trains 2x per week in addition to his rowing training. Vic is also Master’s Level Rower and will continue to compete through the 2023 season. It is a privilege to have him provide his knowledge and coaching for the Members of White Lion Strong – Gym.


  • You will get instruction time, rowing time and assessment to ensure that you leave with good practice and understand where you are and what needs attention so you will continue to improve.


  • You will learn the mechanics of rowing and be able to set-up the rowing machine so you can row efficiently so you can bring rowing into your strength and conditioning practice.
White Lion Strong - Gym workshops are run through the year. These hands-on sessions are focused on providing you with skills and evaluating how you use them.
Workshops are exclusively offered to those with an active membership
Learn to be Strong
Strength is a skill, and guidance – regardless of where you are in your training – will allow for effective use of time and better outcomes. Member Workshops present growth opportunities, and this is highly essential for progress. With our workshops, Members can be well-informed about their training and push themselves to surmount challenges by continuously learning and growing.

Submitting suggestions for Workshops Topics is open to the public. Please submit all suggestions to with the subject line “Workshop Suggestion.”
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5:00 am - 9:00 pm

5:00 am - 9:00 pm

5:00 am - 9:00 pm

5:00 am - 9:00 pm

5:00 am - 9:00 pm

5:00 am - 5:00 pm

9:00 am - 5:00 pm

Upcoming Workshops

Sandbag Training
Monday, 6:30 pm - 7:00 pm

Free Parking is available in the parking lot.

255 Tache Avenue, 2nd Floor
+1 (204) 415 - 8308
Follow us on Instagram and YouTube